Loaf !
Loaf was the cat that changed my mind about cats. Before her I considered myself a “dog person” only (silly, I know). I was in college and hadn’t yet married by husband/then boyfriend Preston and he was living in a really run down house with several room mates. One of the room mates had a little cat named Nuku, who he neglected immensely and sometimes abused. When Preston moved out, Nuku came with him and landed at my place till we could find her a home.
I tried so hard not to love this cat. I tried so hard not to get attached. But she knew me so well from the start. She knew how to tell me what she needed. She knew what I needed. And about three weeks into fostering her I looked at her and thought “I can’t hold back my love for this cat if she’s going to have a good life.” The floodgates were opened and there was no going back. She was mine from that day forward!
Why name her Loaf?
For the first two weeks she lived with me in my little apartment, I never saw her move. She stayed in perfect loaf formation, legs folded under her body, and just appeared in different places. Food and water disappeared, the litter box got used. But I never saw her walk anywhere! I intended to name her something else, and brainstormed forever. But “Loaf” stuck, and it turned out to suit her perfectly.